Guilherme Neves

Event Manager - Beautiful Mind

In my day job I study how neurons balance their impulses between inhibition and stimulation. Pint of Science gives me the opportunity to share enthusiasm about neuroscience while inhibitions are blunted by ethanol.

Rachel Jackson

Rachel Jackson

Event Manager - Beautiful Mind

I’m a postdoc studying the structure, function and plasticity of synapses, the specialised connections between neurons. The brain is a fascinating subject and I’m really excited about helping to organise some great talks about our Beautiful Mind!

Vincenzo Mastrolia

Vincenzo Mastrolia

Event Manager - Beautiful Mind

I am a research associate in Burrone lab at King’s College London. My focus is investigating how the hippocampus processes the multitude of inputs it receives. To study this, I look at the activity of single neurons in real time, using microscopy and electrophysiology.

Andreea-Ingrid Baloc

Andreea-Ingrid Baloc

Event Manager - Beautiful Mind

I am a first Year PhD student, studying the interaction between the immune system of the brain and the rest of the body. After attending neuroscience outreach lectures, I decided that the best ones always involve alcohol, so I am very excited to help organise Pint of Science events!

Nicola Allen

Nicola Allen

Beautiful Mind Event Manager

I am in the Fourth year of an Integrated Masters in Pharmacology degree which included a year-long placement in a research laboratory. I focussed on creating combination therapies to combat antimicrobial resistance in persistent bacterial infections seen in patients with chronic inflammatory pulmona…

Araceli Garcia Mora

Araceli Garcia Mora

Beautiful Mind Event Manager

I am a Spanish postdoctoral researcher based at King's College London. I currently focus on optimising the conversion of non-neuron brain cells into neurons with a view to treat neurodegenerative diseases.
When I am not working you could find me playing any sport with my friends or most probably r…

Nicolas Marichal Negrin

Nicolas Marichal Negrin

Event Manager - Beautiful Mind

I am a research associate working on converting supporting cells in the brain into neurons, a novel strategy to restore diseased brain circuits. I am passionate about science communication, especially in iconic places like pubs, and I look forward to sharing amazing science over three fantastic nigh…

Tom Mitchell

Tom Mitchell

Event Manager - Our Body

I am a postdoc studying the proteins which make up the sarcomere - the contracting units that make up our muscle fibres. I first got involved with Pint of Science during my PhD: when I was caught planning a pub crawl on my work computer; and someone suggested I put my skills to better use.

Alicia Cuber Caballero

Alicia Cuber Caballero

Event Manager - Our Body

I’m a 3rd Year PhD student at King’s College London, currently looking to better understand the nanoscale structure of muscle by using super-resolution fluorescence microscopy. I am very excited to be part of Pint of Science, and I hope to bring a new perspective to thinking about Our Body!

Francesca Lugaresi

Event Manager - Our Body

I’m a postdoc in the Department of Engineering researching how to make Lithium-ion batteries more fire safe. I really enjoy science communication and have exhibited my work in large public outreach events like the New Scientist Live and Science Museum. Having recently landed at KCL I’m keen to learn…